
“Social service,” “Technology improvement,” “Employee health”


Increase our value both at home and abroad. Grow sustainably as a fastener manufacturer that customers can trust and trust.

[Code of conduct/values]

1 Compliance
We comply with domestic and international laws and regulations, respect various norms including human rights, and act with high ethical standards while respecting the culture of each region.

2 Safety
We develop and provide safe and socially beneficial products and services to gain customer satisfaction and trust.

3 Sound business transactions
We will engage in fair, transparent, and free competition, as well as fair business transactions. We will also maintain sound relationships with politics and government.

We will not use assets, duties, or positions in the company for personal purposes.

4 Information disclosure
We will strive to engage in dialogue with society at large, actively and fairly disclose corporate information, and properly manage various information, including personal and customer information. We will only do business with businesses that are properly managed.

5 Environmental conservation
We comply with laws and regulations, and based on environmental protection and reducing environmental impact, we implement management measures centered on preventing accidents involving environmental pollution and energy.

6 Respect for human rights
We respect the diversity, personality, and individuality of individuals, and prevent slave labor and human trafficking to ensure a safe and comfortable working environment.

7 Spirit of mutual assistance
We treat our colleagues with respect, practice speaking up, and help each other to contribute to the development of the company.

8 Elimination of anti-social forces
We will not do business with anti-social forces or organizations related to them.

・All officers and employees will comply with this and strive to ensure the appropriateness and safety of our work. (Work rules, etc.)
・We will always strive to build effective collaborative relationships with external specialist institutions such as the police and lawyers.
・We will deal with anti-social forces as a company organization under the leadership of management, as stipulated in internal regulations, etc.
・We will ensure the safety of employees who deal with antisocial forces.

9 Contribution to the local community
We will contribute to the local community as a company that provides social infrastructure and as a member of the local community.